North Wales Social Value Network
An increasing number of North Wales third sector organizations are engaged with social value, and some are considering embarking on the journey. Whatever your situation……
The Network is here to support you!
What does the Network do?
Gives guidance, encouragement and promotes social value by supporting members to reach their potential of social value.
How do we do this? - By sharing information, good practice and learning.
What is good practice?
- Operate in line with the Social Value Principles
- Show guidance and accountability
- Put the needs of stakeholders first
- Be honest and objective.
What is the legislative context?
- Wellbeing and Future Generations Act (Wales) 2015 and especially Healthier Wales;
- Wellbeing and Social Services Act (Wales) 2014;
- Public Services Act (Social Services) 2012 in terms of services not devolved e.g., Police
Who are the Members?
The membership is open to all – Academics, Local Authorities, County Voluntary Councils, Health Board, Social Enterprises, Voluntary Organisations and the Private Sector.
What are we trying to achieve?
- Respect the views of each other and to not discuss the views of others outside the Network.
- Provide a supportive environment for practitioners.
- Influence the local and national agendas.
What happens in the meetings?
- At least one presentation in each meeting
- An opportunity for members to discuss their work in terms of social value
- Discuss challenges or other relevant matters
- An opportunity to network with other members.
When and Where?
- The Network usually meets four times a year every three months and aims to coordinate the meetings with the Social Value Forum.
- The location of meetings varies across north Wales. Usually, the meetings are held online with consideration given to holding one meeting a year in a location where members may attend in person or half and half (Hybrid meeting).
Next meeting:
Wednesday, 18 September 2024
10.30am – 12.30pm
- Mike Dodd, Social Economy Development Lead Officer, Flintshire County Council will show how the Council has developed a Social Impact Toolkit in partnership with some of the County’s Social Enterprises, and
- Chief Impact Officer Diane Aplin from We Mind the Gap will be sharing her experiences and the organisation’s experience of social value.
The movement continues to grow!